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teeth whitening pearland

Teeth Whitening To Change Your Appearance

Tooth whitening is the best cosmetic dentistry treatment for you if you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, want to improve their appearance quickly, but don’t want to mess with their structure or position in any way. Getting your teeth whitened is a good idea if this is you.


Is Teeth Whitening Safe? At Floss Dental Pearland in Pearland, TX , teeth whitening is our most popular cosmetic dental procedure because it is so simple. This is one of the reasons why it is so popular. Whitening your teeth may be accomplished in one of two methods here.


We offer teeth bleaching services


Both methods accomplish their goals in the same manner by using gels that contain hydrogen peroxide to gently loosen the remnants of old food, beverages, and cigarettes embedded in the pores of the enamel of your teeth. Your tooth enamel does have pores, just like your skin. For a couple of centuries now, people have been using hydrogen peroxide risk-free to clean, disinfect, and bleach. Even though it has been used for a long time and has a good track record, its concentration in whitening gel might vary depending on where it is purchased and who uses it.


Therefore, the gel that can be purchased over-the-counter is not particularly effective and takes a very long time to operate, if it ever does so at all. The gel that we use on you in the clinic at Floss Dental Pearland in Pearland, TX is the strongest of all, and it operates very rapidly. We offer a stronger version of the gel for use at home, but the one we use on you is the strongest.


Teeth Whitening using Power


In-clinic whitening treatments typically take approximately an hour and provide noticeable results after that amount of time. Before beginning to paint whitening gel onto your teeth, we place a plastic barrier over your lips and gums to safeguard them. The gel’s reaction is sparked by a UV light. After we have traveled to the location you have selected, we will clean you up and send you on your way. Simple to use and very convenient for significant events like weddings, when there will be many images taken.


Whitening is performed at home


We start by making an imprint on your teeth so that we can create gel trays that fit you perfectly. You wear them at home after filling them with our take-home gel and doing so for a certain amount of time each day. It usually takes two to three weeks to whiten to the desired level. The fact that you can easily purchase more whitening gel and use it anytime you need to is a significant advantage of using this procedure.


You can visit the best dentist in Pearland,TX for the best teeth whitening treatment in nearby areas.