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Dental Veneers

What are the characteristics and benefits of dental veneers?

Veneers are also commonly known as dental veneers or porcelain veneers. It is nothing but a shell-like structure made up of porcelain bonded onto a tooth’s front portion. It significantly improves the way your teeth look. So if you have chipped, stained or misaligned teeth, veneers are an affordable option you can try for. This […]
tooth extractions

When To Go For Tooth Extraction Procedure?

As permanent teeth are expected to last a lifetime, dentists prefer to treat diseases affecting your teeth and gums to the utmost extent possible. Teeth injured by trauma or decay, on the other hand, may not be able to be healed. In these situations, a tooth extraction dentist or oral surgeon will have no choice […]
teeth infections

Tooth Infections: Process, Prevention & Complications

Tooth infections are very painful and could harm your oral health if they persist. It is essential to treat these conditions as soon as they occur. Our dentists at Floss Dental Pearland have provided everything you need to know about tooth infections in this blog. How Does A Tooth Infection Occur? Bacteria can be found […]
Dental Dentures

How Can Dentures Bring Back Your Lost Smile?

Dentures are a great substitute for missing tooth. They are actually artificial teeth and composed of nylon, acrylic, or metal. When you are missing all your teeth, your facial muscles appear saggy. This is why you may look aged. Dentures are here to fulfil the gap and revive your smile and render protection to your […]
Dental Implants

Do I Qualify For Dental Implants?

Are you looking for a permanent solution for your missing teeth? Then, you can consider Dental Implants as your best bet. Dental implants totally solve the issue and fill the gap of your missing teeth. Missing teeth can negatively impact your oral health in numerous ways. When gone untreated it hampers the chewing ability. It […]